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Index Endpoint

The Index endpoint handles GET requests to the collection root (e.g. GET /posts) and responds with a JSON:API document containing a collection of resources.

To enable it for a resource or collection, add an instance of the Index endpoint to the endpoints array:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Endpoint\Index;

class PostsResource extends Resource
    // ...

    public function endpoints(): array
        return [Index::make()];


If you want to restrict the ability to list resources, use the visible or hidden method, with a closure that returns a boolean value:

    fn(Context $context) => $context->request->getAttribute('isAdmin'),


The Index endpoint requires the resource or collection to implement the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\Listable interface. The endpoint will:

  1. Call the query method to create a query object.
  2. Apply filters, sorts, and pagination to the query object.
  3. Call the results method to retrieve results from the query.

An example implementation might look like:

use App\Models\Post;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Context;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\{Listable, AbstractResource};

class PostsResource extends AbstractResource implements Listable
    // ...

    public function query(Context $context): object
        return Post::query();

    public function results(object $query, Context $context): array
        return $query->get();

Laravel Integration

For Laravel applications with Eloquent-backed resources, you can extend the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Laravel\EloquentResource class which implements this interface for you. Learn more on the Laravel Integration page.


The JSON:API specification reserves the sort query parameter for sorting resources. Multiple sort fields are comma-separated, and a - prefix indicates descending order. For example, the following request would list posts sorted by title ascending, then createdAt descending:

GET /posts?sort=title,-createdAt

To define sort fields that can be used in this query parameter, add them to your resource's sorts method:

class PostsResource extends Resource implements Listable
    // ...

    public function sorts(): array
        return [

Laravel Integration

For Eloquent-backed resources, a number of sort fields are provided to make it easy to implement sorting on your resource.

Inline Sort Fields

The easiest way to define a custom sort field is to use the CustomSort class, which accepts the name of the sort field and a callback to apply the sort to the query:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Schema\CustomSort;

CustomSort::make('example', function (
    string $direction,
    Context $context,
) {
    $query->orderBy('example', $direction);

Writing Sort Fields

To create your own sort field class, extend the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Schema\Sort class and implement the apply method:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Context;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Schema\Sort;

class SortColumn extends Sort
    public function apply(
        object $query,
        string $direction,
        Context $context,
    ): void {
        $query->orderBy($this->name, $direction);


If you want to restrict the ability to use a sort field, use the visible or hidden method, passing a closure that returns a boolean value:

    fn(Context $context) => $context->request->getAttribute('isAdmin'),

Default Sort

You can set a default sort to be used when none is specified by the client. To do this, use the defaultSort method on the Index endpoint:



The JSON:API specification reserves the filter query parameter for filtering resources.

To define filters that can be used in this query parameter, add them to your resource's filters method:

class PostsResource extends Resource implements Listable
    // ...

    public function filters(): array
        return [

Laravel Integration

For Eloquent-backed resources, a number of filters are provided to make it easy to implement filtering on your resource.

Inline Filters

The easiest way to define a filter is to use the CustomFilter class, which accepts the name of the filter parameter and a callback to apply the filter to the query. The value received by a filter can be a string or an array, so you will need to handle both:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Schema\CustomFilter;

CustomFilter::make('name', function (
    string|array $value,
    Context $context,
) {
    $query->whereIn('name', (array) $value);

Now the filter can be applied like so:

GET /posts?filter[name]=Toby
GET /posts?filter[name][]=Toby&filter[name][]=Franz

Writing Filters

To create your own filter class, extend the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Schema\Filter class and implement the apply method:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Context;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Schema\Filter;

class WhereIn extends Filter
    public function apply(
        object $query,
        string|array $value,
        Context $context,
    ): void {
        $query->whereIn($this->name, $value);


If you want to restrict the ability to use a filter, use the visible or hidden method, passing a closure that returns a boolean value:

    fn(Context $context) => $context->request->getAttribute('isAdmin'),


The JSON:API specification reserves the page query parameter for paginating collections. The specification is agnostic about the pagination strategy used by the server.

Currently json-api-server supports an offset pagination strategy, using the page[limit] and page[offset] query parameters. Support for cursor pagination is planned.

Offset Pagination

In order to use offset pagination for your resource listing, call the paginate method on the Index endpoint:


The default page limit is 20 and the maximum limit that a client can request is 50. If you would like to use different values, pass them as arguments to the paginate method:

Index::make()->paginate(10, 100);

You will also need to implement the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\Paginatable interface on your resource and specify how the limit and offset values should be applied to your query:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Context;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Pagination\OffsetPagination;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\{Listable, Paginatable, AbstractResource};

class PostsResource extends AbstractResource implements Listable, Paginatable
    // ...

    public function paginate(object $query, OffsetPagination $pagination): void


By default, offset pagination won't include a last link because there is no way to know the total number of resources.

If you would like to include a last link, as well as include the total number of resources as meta information, you can implement the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\Countable interface on your resource:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Context;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Pagination\OffsetPagination;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\{

class PostsResource extends AbstractResource implements
    // ...

    public function count(object $query, Context $context): int
        return $query->count();