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Create Endpoint

The Create endpoint handles POST requests to the collection root (e.g. POST /posts) and responds with a JSON:API document containing the created resource object.

To enable it for a resource or collection, add the Create endpoint to the endpoints array:

use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Endpoint\Create;

class PostsResource extends Resource
    // ...

    public function endpoints(): array
        return [Create::make()];


If you want to restrict the ability to create resources, use the visible or hidden method, with a closure that returns a boolean value:

    fn(Context $context) => $context->request->getAttribute('isAdmin'),


The Create endpoint requires the resource or collection to implement the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\Creatable interface (which overlaps with the Updatable interface). The endpoint will:

  1. Call the newModel method to get a new model instance.
  2. Deserialize and validate field data.
  3. Call the setValue method for each field.
  4. Call the create method to persist the model to storage.
  5. Call the saveValue method for each field.

A simple implementation might look like:

use App\Models\Post;
use Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Resource\Creatable;

class PostsResource extends Resource implements Creatable
    // ...

    public function endpoints(): array
        return [Endpoint\Create::make()];

    public function newModel(Context $context): object
        return new Post();

    public function setValue(
        object $model,
        Field $field,
        mixed $value,
        Context $context,
    ): void {
        $model->{$field->property ?: $field->name} = $value;

    public function create(object $model, Context $context): object

    public function saveValue(
        object $model,
        Field $field,
        mixed $value,
        Context $context,
    ): void {
        // noop

Laravel Integration

For Laravel applications with Eloquent-backed resources, you can extend the Tobyz\JsonApiServer\Laravel\EloquentResource class which implements this interface for you. Learn more on the Laravel Integration page.